The Power of Working on Your Business, Not Just in It

business improvement techniques business management tips effective leadership strategies entrepreneur productivity long-term business success maximizing team performance prioritizing business growth proactive management approach strategic business planning time management for entrepreneurs Jun 27, 2024
The Power of Working on Your Business, Not Just in It
As an entrepreneur or manager, it’s all too easy to become engulfed in the daily grind. The demands of immediate tasks and the constant firefighting can make it seem like you’re moving forward, but in reality, you might be running in place. This perpetual cycle of addressing immediate concerns while neglecting long-term strategic planning can stunt growth and lead to burnout. At Leverage Consulting, we believe that prioritizing time to work on your business is not just beneficial but essential for sustainable success.

The Perpetual Firefighter Dilemma

Many business leaders fall into the trap of being perpetual firefighters, always reacting to the latest crisis or urgent task. This reactive mode can give a false sense of productivity and progress, but it often means that critical strategic initiatives are pushed aside. These leaders frequently talk about the importance of strategic planning but fail to carve out dedicated time for it. Just as we prioritize sleep, eating, and other basic needs, we must also hold time sacred for working on the business.

The Minimal Investment with Maximum Returns

Imagine if you could break this cycle with a minimal investment of just one hour every two weeks. It might seem insignificant, but this regular, dedicated time can lead to deliberate planning and measurable progress every month. By setting aside just one hour every two weeks, you create a consistent opportunity to step back, assess, and strategize. This approach allows you to move the needle professionally, for your team, and for your business.

Prioritizing What Matters

During this dedicated hour, you can focus on prioritizing the things that make a real difference. Reviewing financials, analyzing business trends, and investing in your team are all critical activities that often get sidelined. By setting aside time for these tasks, you ensure that you’re not just surviving, but thriving.
One powerful example of the impact of deliberate planning is in how you manage your team. Often, managers spend a disproportionate amount of time with problematic team members, trying to resolve issues and improve performance. While this is necessary, it’s equally important to invest time in your top performers. These high achievers are the ones who will drive your business forward, and regular, focused investment in their development can yield significant returns.

Creating a Success Plan

When you are deliberate and make time for a success plan each month, you shift from a reactive to a proactive approach. This monthly planning session can include:
  • Setting Clear Goals: Define what success looks like for the next month. What are the key objectives and outcomes you want to achieve?
  • Reviewing Financials: Understand where your money is going and how your business is performing financially. This insight is crucial for making informed decisions.
  • Analyzing Trends: Stay ahead of the curve by identifying industry trends and market changes that could impact your business.
  • Investing in Your Team: Allocate time to mentor and develop your top performers. Recognize their achievements and provide opportunities for growth.
By creating and adhering to a success plan, you not only improve your business's performance but also build a culture of continuous improvement and strategic thinking.


At Leverage Consulting, we have seen firsthand the transformative power of prioritizing time to work on your business. It’s about making a deliberate choice to step out of the daily grind and focus on the bigger picture. By investing just one hour every two weeks, you can create a proactive, strategic approach that drives success for you, your team, and your business. Make this commitment today, and watch your business thrive like never before.

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