Running On Time = Profit and Low Stress: 10 Tips for a Smooth-Running Schedule

dental office management dental practice efficiency dental team training for efficiency effective scheduling strategies enhancing communication among staff optimizing patient flow patient feedback improvement reduce patient wait times streamlining patient registration time-tracking protocols Aug 15, 2023
10 Tips for a Smooth-Running Schedule

Long wait times can leave patients (and team members) feeling frustrated and impact the overall experience they have at your practice.
To help you optimize your dental office efficiency and reduce patient wait times, here are some practical tips that will make you practice running like a well-oiled machine.

1. Keep producers moving
 Effective schedules keep producers moving throughout the day. The goal is to eliminate downtime but not to over schedule the producer. It should be a comfortable pace for the entire day (and team) that allows each producer to provide the level of clinical care and experience that every patient deserves while also completing any other duties such as notes. Effective schedules make the day feel like it flew by.

2. Set Realistic Scheduling Goals 
There are just a few fundamental ways in which a practice can grow its production. First you can fit more appointments into your schedule. Second you have the option of leveraging yourself and delegating duties to team members to free up the producer. Third, you could raise your fees. Fourth, you could also change your procedure mix or the types of procedures that you see routinely.  You can find other ways to increase your production however they will typically fall under one of these strategies. You should be reevaluating each one of these strategies, every year.  And based on your reevaluation annually, your daily production goals should reflect your annual objectives. That's the only way your team will help you grow your practice and reduce your stress on a day-to-day basis.

3. Leverage Automated Appointment Reminders 
Cut down on no-shows and late cancellations by sending automated appointment reminders through email, test, messages, or phone calls. A gentle nudge can significantly reduce the number of empty chairs in your reception area. There are plenty of options and programs out there to do this for you. Your success in this area will be purely based on a team wide unapologetic utilization of the platform and maximizing every element of the platform.

4. Optimize Patient Registration Process 
Streamline the patient registration process by offering online forms or providing them beforehand via email. This allows patients to complete necessary paperwork at their convenience and reduces the time spent at the front desk.  Your systems should be set up to ensure that a minimum of 70% of your patients have their forms completed two days prior to their appointment.

5. Implement Time-Tracking Protocols  
Track the time spent on each procedure and appointment to identify areas of improvement. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify bottlenecks and find ways to optimize your workflow.  Your time studies should delineate producer time and staff time for each procedure. With those time studies completed your team will be able to accurately schedule appointments and utilize their Tetris skills to assemble stress-free schedules.

6. Enhance Communication Between Staff 
Efficient communication is key to minimizing wait times. Implement a reliable communication system, such as instant messaging software, to ensure seamless coordination among staff members. This helps avoid misunderstandings and delays in patient care.  This strategy will require ongoing efforts to maximize communication within your team. Missed opportunities will result in lower treatment acceptance rates, lower collection rates, lower scheduling rates, increased stress levels and an increase in staffing overhead because of the inefficient use of time.

7. Train Your Team For Peak Efficiency 
Organize training sessions for your dental team to enhance their skills and efficiency. Focus on optimizing patient flow, handling emergencies, and time management. A well-trained team can work harmoniously to create a smooth patient experience.  You should have team training scheduled at least once a month. Championship level teams invest time weekly to ensure they come home with a trophy. You need to ensure you're doing the same with your team.

8. Create a Comfortable Reception Area
Make the reception area a pleasant and comfortable space for patients. What does this look like?  Provide ample seating, reading material, and even a beverage station to make their "wait" more enjoyable. A welcoming ambiance can help patients feel at ease while waiting.  And why should you care? Your practice environment should be conducive to making patients happy to earn more five star reviews and a higher treatment acceptance rate.
9. Make time for important procedures
If you are not block scheduling now, it's time to start!  Growing your production means carving out time for productive procedures. And that serves the practice. And likewise you need to consider carving out time for important procedures for your patients. You may have certain times of year or initiatives within the practice where you want to grow certain procedure types. You need to make time to serve the practice and to serve your patients.

10. Regularly Seek Patient Feedback
Encourage patients to provide feedback on their experience at your dental office. Conduct patient surveys or engage in conversations to understand their concerns and suggestions for improvement. Patient feedback is invaluable in identifying areas that need attention.

By implementing these tips, you can create a smooth-running dental office that respects your patients' time and enhances their overall experience. Cutting down patient wait times not only boosts patient satisfaction but also strengthens your practice's reputation and attracts new clients through positive word-of-mouth. Remember, a well-organized dental office is a win-win for both your patients and your practice's success. So, let's start fine-tuning your dental operations and usher in an era of efficient, patient-centric care!

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