Employee Compensation: Striking a Balance Between Fairness and Performance

effective management employee compensation fairness and performance motivation performance factors proactive leadership rising salaries skillset staff compensation team building work environment workforce changes Jun 09, 2023
employee compensation: striking a balance between fairness and performance
In the ever-evolving work environment since 2020, many businesses have found themselves grappling with a challenging question: How high can employee compensation go? 
As employers, we understand the importance of attracting and retaining quality team members, but it's crucial not to fall prey to emotional decision-making when it comes to staff compensation. 
In this blog post, we'll explore the changes in the work environment and workforce, rising salaries, and why compensation is just one factor among many in building and maintaining a successful team.
Money Isn’t the Only Solution 
Throwing money at the situation and expecting better performance is like using aspirin for a migraine—it might offer temporary relief, but it won't fix the underlying problem. Money alone cannot replace proactive leadership, effective management, and ongoing development and improvement on the part of the staff members themselves. Skillset alone should not dictate compensation; other performance factors, such as attitude, customer service, problem-solving abilities, willingness to learn, and adaptability, also come into play.
Comparison Doesn’t Help Anyone
We've all heard frustrating comments from employees: "I need more money," "I can't," or "Jennifer is paid more..." Instead of focusing on themselves and finding solutions, some employees tend to compare themselves to others or avoid meeting expectations altogether. As employers, we often hear that finding great employees is a challenge. While luck may bring a few good employees our way, the majority are a result of our commitment to investing in our team and continuously improving the quality of work performed in exchange for fair compensation. Building a great team requires effort and dedication, much like a successful marriage. 
Compensation as a Balancing Act
It's important to address the balancing act of compensation. Underpaid employees can experience a lack of motivation, feelings of undervaluation, high turnover rates, and general dissatisfaction. However, being underpaid is often a matter of perception or misinformation. Employees engage in conversations with others, trying to determine what they should be earning. Unfortunately, they rarely compare apples to apples, considering various benefits and perks that may not be immediately evident. Requests for more money can sometimes be attributed to poor planning on the employees' part, expecting their problems to become their employers' problems. Without accurate information, people tend to make up their own facts. 
Focusing on Effort and Output
Avoiding confusion and addressing the issue of compensation requires a focus on fair compensation for effort and output. Results are tied to effort and output, and if we don't see the desired outcomes, a merit increase may not be warranted. Overpaying employees can also have negative consequences, including stunted employee development, strained resources, and talent bottlenecks that hinder progress. 
Considering Length of Service
One often misused factor in granting raises is length of service. Simply put, length of service alone should not be the sole reason for a raise. However, if a team member's skills have grown over time, it could be an indication for a merit increase. Just as we want team members to mature like wine, we should strive for growth and development rather than stagnation or spoiled milk.
So, what can you do to navigate this complex issue and ensure a fair compensation structure? 
Here are a few actionable steps to consider:
Conduct an annual compensation review separate from performance evaluations. 
Clearly communicate the career path within your organization to maintain valued staff and provide an incentive for growth and longevity.
Carve out time for annual performance reviews to discuss performance, set goals, and discuss professional development. 
Employees who feel valued will go above and beyond.
Regularly evaluate position expectations and responsibilities to align with the company's growth and expansion. 
This helps create a healthy team structure, fosters productivity, and ensures everyone is on the same page.
Prioritize hiring candidates with the right attitude and trainability. 
While technical skills are important, attitude, character, work ethic, and adaptability play a significant role in long-term success.
Invest in training programs to equip employees with the necessary skills and enhance their job satisfaction.
Better training leads to improved outcomes, increased efficiency, and reduced turnover rates.
Observe your team's performance regularly and provide feedback. 
This allows you to address weaknesses, acknowledge strengths, and help employees exceed expectations while fostering their professional development.
Taking charge of your team and investing in their success is a crucial step in maximizing your business's potential. Remember, your employees are your most valuable asset, and by implementing effective compensation strategies and fostering a positive work environment, you can build a high-performing team that propels your business forward.

To build a successful team, team meetings about employee compensation are important.

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