Are Your Standards High Enough to Achieve Your Goals?

achieve business goals business leadership strategies dental practice growth high standards in business language and culture in teams mindset and success motivational business advice positive mindset in business positive workplace culture setting high goals Sep 23, 2024
Are Your Standards High Enough to Achieve Your Goals?
In the last 24 years of working with practices of all shapes and sizes, one limiting factor consistently rises to the surface: the limiting beliefs of individuals. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard phrases like, “There are no good people to hire,” or, “They can’t do that,” or the most dangerous of all: “Patients won’t go for that.” These statements are so absolute that they don’t just create a belief in the individual—they cast a shadow over the entire team. The impact? Whatever you’re trying to achieve becomes impossible before you’ve even started.


This is where an old saying takes on new relevance: Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. It’s not about setting impossible goals—it’s about understanding that what you think and what you say will define how far you go.


Do you want to build the most respected dental implant practice in your state? Do you dream of a 100% insurance-free practice? Or perhaps you want to work 20 fewer days a year and make more money while doing it? The real question is: Do you believe these things are possible?


Your mindset, your language, and your standards are the tools that will determine your success. Here’s how to sharpen them:


1. Keep Your Goals Visible

It’s easy to get off course. Daily distractions, new challenges—they can derail even the most determined. But one habit that makes all the difference is keeping a short, focused list of your top objectives. Look at that list every day. This simple reminder keeps you centered, no matter what distractions pull you away. Over time, this daily commitment strengthens your resolve and keeps you moving toward the finish line.


2. Change Your Language, Change Your Culture

One of the most critical—and often overlooked—elements of success is the language you use. The thoughts that go through your head, the words you speak to your team, even the conversations you allow to take place in your practice—all of these form the backbone of your culture.

Here’s a phrase I often repeat: Your team will be defined by the lowest standards you tolerate. If your language is negative or limiting, your team will follow suit. But when you raise the bar, expecting the best from yourself and others, you set a new standard for what’s possible.


3. Positivity Is Contagious—So Is Negativity

Every team is influenced by its collective energy. A team that leans into positivity is unstoppable. A team mired in negativity can feel like it’s trudging through quicksand. The truth is, moving your team from negativity to positivity isn’t as hard as it seems—it starts with you. Positivity is fuel, and it makes both you and your team invincible. When you foster an environment where positivity thrives, it not only boosts morale, but it drives results. The shift can be as simple as changing a few words, celebrating small wins, or catching your team doing things right instead of focusing on the mistakes.


The question isn’t whether your goals are realistic—the question is whether your standards, language, and mindset are high enough to make those goals a reality. What you tolerate today will define your future, and if you want to achieve the extraordinary, you have to hold yourself—and your team—to extraordinary standards.


So, are your standards high enough to achieve your goals? Start with a clear objective, change your language, and lean into positivity. You’ll be amazed at how far it can take you.

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Are Your Standards High Enough to Achieve Your Goals?

Sep 23, 2024